Thursday, December 10, 2009

PetVille - Coin Cheat (Patched by Zygna)

*Latest Update - This cheat is no longer working, do check back though. Will update once I figure out a new cheat. 

a) Programs needed- For this cheat, you will need the following 2 programs - Both are free :)

1) Cheat Engine 5.5 (Download here)

2) Firefox Browser (Download here)

b) Step-by-Step Guide 

1) Start up the Firefox browser and log into your Facebook account, then your Petville Game.

2) Start up the Cheat-Engine Program.

3) Click on Process ->Open Process Window to view the Process List

4) In the Process List, find firefox.exe, double click on it.

5) In the Value Type Dropdown list, select Double

6) In the Value Box textbox, type in the current amount of coins you have in the Petville game. For our example, we type 291.

7) Click on First Scan.

8) Once scanning is done, you will see a list of address on the left-hand pane. Copy all of them and then click the red arrow that will copy all selected items to the address list.

9) In the address list at the bottom, you will see a lot of values that have decimal points. For example, if you type in 291 previously, you might see values like 291.8098798798. Ignore these values. We need to search for values that are EXACTLY 291 for our case.

10) Once you have located the value/values, (There might be a few depending on what your current amount of coins is) double click on the value to change it. Enter your desired amount. Repeat for all values that are EXACTLY 291.

11) Once done, you can click on the world icon to go shopping! Note that the coins amount is not permanent. The next time you log into the game, it will be changed back to the original amount. However, the items/clothings you buy will be permanent. Enjoy! :D

12) You can view the video tutorial below if you are still unsure of the steps.

c) Known Issues

1) Depending on your current coin amount, sometimes after clicking on the first scan button, you might see a lot of addresses (Maybe like 100+). If that is the case, you might want to increase you coin amount via the normal way and with that new amount, try the cheat again. For example, scanning the value 288 might give you a lot of addresses, therefore I can play with my neighbour to earn a few coins to change the value to like 300. Then I try the cheat again with the new value of 300.

2) Sometimes, after changing the coin amount and buying some stuffs from either the furniture or clothing store, you might receive a Server Out of sync error. I think that is one of the way the game try to prevent cheating. If that happens, you have to repeat the cheat again. One advice is to buy a few items, then go back to your home or log out of the game to "save it." then log into the game again and repeat the cheat.

3) I've not tested this on Internet Explorer yet, if it is working, will let you guys know.

4) This cheat is working at the time of writing. :)

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