Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Cafe World - Layout Basics

How you layout your tables and seats is very important in cafe world as they will affect your buzz rating indirectly. As a rule of thumb, you want to make sure that your waiters and customers are able to get to the table. Improper layout of tables and seats will cause the following: 1) Customers unable to get to a table, thus decreasing the buzz rating. 2) Waiters unable to serve the customer, thus also resulting in a decrease of the buzz rating.

Most often, I've seen some beginning players arranging their tables or seats in such a way that it is impossible for the customers to get to them. In this guide, I'll show you some common mistakes made and a few recommended layouts. First, the common mistakes.

1) Tables facing the walls- In this arrangement, the waiters will not be able to serve the customers, resulting in frustrated and of course unsatisfied customers and that will only mean a drop in your buzz rating. Think about it, how are the waiters going to serve the customers in this way? Serve from behind? Ha.

2) Chairs facing the walls- With this arrangement, the waiters can serve the customers BUT customers CANNOT get to the seats except the two outer most seats. The remaining seats will thus be wasted since no customers are able to get to them.

3) No space in between seats - Similar to the arrangement above, customers are not able to get to the inner seats unless they are really really skinny. Ha. But in cafe world, all our customers are really normal -sized. So this arrangement is a no-no too.

4) Leave some space for the customer/waiters In generally, you'll need to some walking space for your customers and waiters.

This will work since customers have ample space to move about.

And here are some recommended layouts:

5) The classroom Layout - The classroom layout will ensure that the customers and waiters have enough space to walk about and it will also optimize your cafe space, giving you the best number of tables and seats. Recommended when you are still in the process of building up your cafe.Though, it's quite sad to eat like that. Ha.

6) The Island Layout - The island layout encloses your serving counters within the tables and this minimizes the amount of walking your waiters need to do to serve the customers. A very fast and efficient way to serve customers.

7) The "Real" Cafe Layout - There will come a point in time when you will reach the optimum number of tables and seats in your cafe. Any more tables beyond the optimum number will not affect the game since there is a limit to the number of customers who will be dining in your cafe at any one time. When you have achieved this, you can decorate your cafe in a more nicer and natural way. :D

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